Embellishments to our notes and audio recorder

You tireless mental health warrior! It’s time to share our roundup of fabulous new features and improvements that we hope will make your lives easier (yet again).
This week it’s mostly about our notes
✨ Our official sign-off feature 📝
You can now lock and sign off on beautifully formatted and prepared notes for submission to insurance providers. We can even automatically include your therapy license and NPI. Any changes will also be logged so you’re always covered from a legal point of view.
✨ A compliance header 🧐
Notes now include a header with all the required compliance information, like DOB, address, or CPT codes. There’s more space in the notes editor for you to work in and you can even edit client information from here.
✨ PDF export and copy/paste your notes 📓
Download and export your newly compliant notes or make use of our improved formatting functionality when you use the copy/paste clipboard. Enjoy the added space, bullets, and even callouts!
And our audio recorder feature
✨ Session-end reminders 🔔
Some of you have been forgetting to turn off the audio recorder. We get it, days are busy, and you’re focused on the client. Our solution: session-end reminders and an updated design to come! You can either choose to set up a sound notification or automatically end the session at a pre-selected time. If you use the audio recorder feature, go ahead and set this up now!