New features, new look
We’ve introduced so many new features lately, that we wanted to take a step back and make sure that everything's easily accessible to you, at a glance.
That led us to a brand new dashboard!
Thanks to our new look, you’ll find that you can now:
- See your clients easily on the left-hand side
- Toggle between upcoming and past sessions
- Start an in-person or audio recorder session from the dashboard
- Upload recordings from the dashboard too
- You’ll also find it easier to access your Uphealer link
And, the client profile section got a little makeover too. You’ll also be able to access the private room link, launch the audio recorder, or upload recordings from the client detail section.
Plus, all of this is now reflected in the mobile experience which we’ve made more responsive. So it’s now easier to launch or hold sessions from your mobile too – though we still recommend leaving the editing of your notes for when you’re at your desktop.
We hope all of this, combined with a little more color for some warmth in these upcoming winter months, will be a welcome improvement.