Recent updates

See the latest product updates and improvements to Upheal.

January 17, 2024

AI Treatment plans in just a click

AI Treatment plans in just a click

Ready to let Upheal create comprehensive client treatment plans for you? ✨

All you have to do is select any three sessions and we’ll whip up a client treatment plan complete with details of your client’s diagnosis, symptoms, and progress – along with accompanying goals and SMART objectives.

So.Much.Rad.Treatment stuff! 😊

Having clear therapy goals supported by SMART objectives and easy-to-follow designated categories, makes treatment even more attainable for your clients, as well as making insurance coverage easier.

Flexible and fully open to edits

The plan recommendations are taken from actual sessions and are fully unique to each client – no AI nonsense! Just what was discussed in sessions or what our AI suggests based on previous session data.

  • Client identification and demographics (with Intake session)
  • History and reason for treatment (with Intake session)
  • Treatment goals and objectives
  • Strategies and interventions
  • Strengths and resources
  • Progress and outcome evaluation (in the future, we’ll compare progress to goals and objectives automatically)
December 8, 2023

Notes and transcripts in pdf format and more

Notes and transcripts in pdf format and more

We’ve got a mix of latest improvements for you!

You can now:

  • Export our notes and transcripts in PDF format – they’re easily downloadable and printable in a template.
  • Review progress notes from the waiting room in Upheal online session – use the time before a call to review your clients’ history or reference things said in previous sessions during the call itself.
  • Make the most of our Psychiatry SOAP note update – we’ve added a psychiatric review of systems section, put more emphasis on medication in the S, A, and P sections, and separated medications into discussed and prescribed.

And finally, if there’s a feature we don’t have yet, let us know! Add it to our product portal and browse through other features that are on the way. You need to be signed in to Upheal to access this “Wishlist”.

November 14, 2023

Upheal gets better again: note dictation, MSE and psychiatry intakes

Upheal gets better again: note dictation, MSE and psychiatry intakes

We’ve made a few exciting changes!

  • An MSE section in our notes. Upheal notes are now even more compliant. And, you can save time with auto-generated risk assessment too.
  • New dictation-to-notes magic. You can use the Audio recorder to turn observations into progress notes.
  • Select note type when uploading a session. Rather than switching between notes later, you can choose the desired note straightaway. Yay!
  • Psychiatry Intake and SOAP notes 🥼👏🏼 Great news for psychiatrists using Upheal. We’ve tailored our notes, especially for your needs.

Currently, both psychiatry notes are free, but will only be available on our paid plans after a brief period of time. So, if you have a Premium or Unlimited subscription, you’ll be able to add a psychiatry notes add-on as an extra.

November 1, 2023

New features, new look

New features, new look

We’ve introduced so many new features lately, that we wanted to take a step back and make sure that everything's easily accessible to you, at a glance.

That led us to a brand new dashboard!

Thanks to our new look, you’ll find that you can now:

  • See your clients easily on the left-hand side
  • Toggle between upcoming and past sessions
  • Start an in-person or audio recorder session from the dashboard
  • Upload recordings from the dashboard too
  • You’ll also find it easier to access your Uphealer link

And, the client profile section got a little makeover too. You’ll also be able to access the private room link, launch the audio recorder, or upload recordings from the client detail section.

Plus, all of this is now reflected in the mobile experience which we’ve made more responsive. So it’s now easier to launch or hold sessions from your mobile too – though we still recommend leaving the editing of your notes for when you’re at your desktop.

We hope all of this, combined with a little more color for some warmth in these upcoming winter months, will be a welcome improvement.

October 24, 2023

Introducing AI-generated psychiatry SOAP notes on Upheal

 Introducing AI-generated psychiatry SOAP notes on Upheal

We are excited to announce significant updates to Upheal, designed to enhance functionality for psychiatry and introduce auto-generated risk assessments.

Psychiatry-focused SOAP notes

Our newly-developed SOAP notes are explicitly tailored for psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners. They include:

  • A streamlined 'Mental Status Exam' in the 'Objective' section
  • Automated medication management with spell-checked names, dosage adjustments, and related side effects
  • Substance use identification
  • Built-in risk assessments, covering suicide, self-harm, violence, and substance abuse
  • Profession-specific terminology, using 'patient' over 'client'
  • Integration of lab results, when applicable

🔥 Psychiatric intake notes: We invite you to evaluate an advanced preview. Please reach out for access.

💸 Limited-time free access: These specialized notes are complimentary for a limited period, after which they will be available as a purchasable add-on.

Streamlined note type selection

As we expand our variety of note types, we've simplified the selection interface. Try it out and share your thoughts.

Automatic risk assessment integration

To enhance compliance and save even more time, risk assessments will now be automatically included in any note containing an 'Assessment' section i.e. SOAP, DAP, and Upheal notes.

We are confident that these enhancements will significantly improve platform usage for psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners, while further reducing documentation time for our existing users.